Does an Internet Security Blog Need to be Technical?

Internet Security Padlock graphic
Photo: “Internet Security Padlock for VPN & Online Privacy” by Mike MacKenzie is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Surviving the Internet era can be difficult: we all know the web can be a modern Wild West, so how do we navigate it safely?  How do we help our children, parents, or grandparents reduce the risk of living in an Internet connected world without tightening security settings to the point their devices become unusable?

You shouldn’t need a four year degree in Information Technology to feel safe using your computer, smartphone, or other connected home devices.  Still, most can relate to the difficulty of picking the best antivirus protection for their home or understanding how to use parental controls to protect the kids when they’re online.

ButtonUp is a blog about using and securing the devices we interact with each day, written for the people who buy them, not the technical people who design them 

With this in mind, the ButtonUp blog will provide information, resources, and tools to help you protect the things and people most important to you.  Subjects you will find covered here include:

  • How to protect your home computer from hackers and dangerous programs like viruses and other malware
  • Why your social media accounts keep getting “hacked” and what you can do about it
  • Tools you can use to make it safer to use public Wireless Internet (Wi-Fi), including locations like hotels, auto shops, malls, and other connected spaces
  • What you can do to protect your identity and financial accounts and how to respond if your identity is stolen

These are big topics to cover and their importance grows with each passing day.  According to predictions by CyberSecurity Ventures, a leading cybersecurity researcher and publisher of CyberCrime Magazine:

Cybersecurity Ventures predicts that there will be 6 billion Internet users by 2022 (75% of the projected world population of 8 billion) — and more than 7.5 billion Internet users by 2030 (90% of the projected world population of 8.5 billion, 6 years of age and older)

As the global population increases, so too will the number of people connected to the Internet, which will mean more potential targets for fraud and theft.  This blog aims to provide you with the knowledge necessary to reduce the risk that you become a victim of cybercrime.  

Want more information?  Join ButtonUp on a journey into the technology that makes modern life possible and how to use it to your advantage.

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